Currently Available Paintings
All of the following abstract paintings are currently available. Please click on the images below to view the title, medium, dimensions, and price of each painting. If you see a painting that you wish to purchase, please email me at with the name of the peice that you are interested in purchasing and I will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know if your painting is still available. You will soon be able to buy paintings online after pre-approval by the Artist. Please note that I am now able to provide financing on my larger works via Venmo. You pay a small amount monthly until the painting, shipping and insurance are paid for and then I will ship it to you asap. You can also pick up the paintings at my studio in Pittsboro if you are local!
Gallery Shows (March-May 2023):
‘HerStory’ Online Exhibition: Manhattan Arts March 6th through May 6th 2023:
Look for ‘Looking Forward and Back’ by Steevie Parks
Gallerium Online Exhibition: Color
April-May 2023
Look for ‘Bird Talk’ by Steevie Parks (it is actually listed first out of 211 pieces!).
Check this online international exhibit at:
Prints of all of my paintings (both old and new) can be purchased on my Fine Art America website
The prices for my original paintings currently range from 50.00 to 1000.00
All images copyrighted by Steevie Jane Parks.
There will be no duplication or use unless pre-approved by the Artist. Prints of these images (and of previously sold works) are available at Fine Art America